The OBazl Book Last updated Mar 18, 2025

This site documents the OBazl toolsuite, version 3.0.0.

Version 3.0.0.beta.1 scheduled for release on Mar 21, 2025 or thereabouts.

This documentation is a Work-In-Progress. Things will be a little messy and incomplete.

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is to fork/clone one of the demo projects, but you can also use the @obazl//new tool to generate a project from a template.

Demo projects

The demo projects use the xdg opam toolchain strategy (explained in tools-opam); this means the initial build will create an opam root and switch in $XDG_DATA_HOME. This only happens once, and xdg toolchains are shared by all OBazl projects. So the initial build may take a while; thereafter builds should be reasonably fast.
$ git clone
$ cd demo_hello
$ bazel run bin:hello
$ bazel test test
$ bazel build //...                         (1)
$ bazel test //...                          (2)
$ bazel test //... --build_tests_only       (3)
1 Builds all targets
2 Builds all targets and runs all tests
3 Runs all tests but only builds targets required by the tests

Other demos:

@obazl//new: generating a new project

Generate a new project
$ mkdir obazl && cd obazl
$ cat > .bazelrc <<EOF
common --registry=
common --registry=
$ cat > MODULE.bazel <<EOF
bazel_dep(name = "tools_obazl", version = "3.0.0", repo_name = "obazl")
$ bazel run @obazl//new -- --help
$ bazel run @obazl//new -- --list
Templates available from library @templates_ocaml
		Minimal project using ctypes library
		Minimal working example
$ bazel run @obazl//new -- -t proj/hello -n howdy
$ cd howdy
$ bazel build //... --show_result=10            (1)
$ bazel test //... --show_result=10
1 Builds all targets. --show_result is optional; it tells OBazl to tell print information about build outputs, which is not printed by default.

Summary of features

The OBazl rules are deliberately low-level, in keeping with the goal of giving the developer complete control (i.e. no magic). OBazl build rules correspond more-or-less directly to the build commands they construct. The down side of sugar-free rules is a degree of inconvenience. For example, OBazl does not analyze implicit dependencies, so it is the responsibility of the developer to discover and list them. It does not support file globbing, so each source file must have a build rule. Most such inconveniences can and will be addressed over time by tooling built on the foundation of the primitive rules.



Support for the development of OBazl was provided by a Mina Genesis Token Grant and the generous assistance of the Mina team. Additional support provided by Tweag