OCaml namespacing Last updated Feb 11, 2025


The OCaml language is fully namespaced. Every module determines a namespace, and all code must be written within a module.

However, the mapping from OCaml namespaces (modules) to the filesystem is more restricted. Unlike many languages (Java, Rust, Go, etc.), the OCaml language does not define a mapping from module paths like A.B.f to a directory hierarchy in the file system. Instead, the OCaml compiler defines a mapping from single modules to the file system. When it tries to compile A.B.f, it does not look for f in a/b.ml; instead it looks for a definition of A in the current file; if it does not find one, it searches the file system (in the directories set using the -I compiler option) for a compiled module named A. Specifically, it looks for a.cmi (or equivalently A.cmi). If it finds what it’s looking for, it then proceeds to look for a definition of B, in similar fashion, and proceeds in the same way until it finds a definition of f.

In other words, the search space for the compiler (and linker) is flat. The drawback of this flat-namespace implementation is that a project may contain multiple modules with the same name, for example foo/a.ml and bar/a.ml. Then you may end up with both A modules in the search path, with no reliable way to control which one the compiler finds. You can avoid this in your own code by using unique names, but you cannot do much to eliminate the possibility that external libraries may introduce name clashes.

One way around this problem is to use pseudo-namespacing in your file names. Instead of foo/a.ml and foo/b.ml, you use foo__a.ml and foo_b.ml or similar. This does not eliminate the possibility of name clashes (a library you use might have the same names) but it reduces it considerably. The major drawback of this method is that you must use the same name in your code, writing Foo__a.Foo__b.f instead of A.B.f.

Type-level module aliases

Version 4.02 of the compiler introduced Type-level module aliases, which can be used to emulate filesystem-based namespacing.

Implementation techniques

Module aliasing is a very flexible technique that can be used in ways that are not possible in languages with predefined language/filesystem mapping.

Open accessibility

In most languages with predefined filesystem namespacing, an object like a/b/c can only be accessed via its fully qualified name. But in OCaml, it is possible to access the components of a namespace directly, without namespace qualification. That’s because segmented names like A.B.C always resolve to a single compiled module, e.g. a__B__C or b__C. So if you have a namespace with a large number of components, you always have the option of depending directly on just one or a few of its components, rather than relying on the entire namespace (i.e. as a library).


OCaml pseudo-namespaces are composable. Suppose module C is in namespace B, so it can be accessed as B.C (which might resolve to b__C for example). Then B can be included in namespace A, so that C can also be accessed as A.B.C. For example, a.ml might contain aliasing equation module B = B, and since B.ml already contains aliasing equation module C = B__C, both B.C and A.B.C will resolve to b__C.

Private namespaces

Example: ocaml-re, a regular expression library for OCaml.