C/C++ (cc) dependencies Last updated June 30, 2022

CcInfo Provider

CcInfo contains only two fields:

  • compilation_context

  • linking_context

but both are complex and effectively undocumented.

Based on experimentation it looks like a cc_binary used to produce a shared lib will not put its output into the linking_context of a CcInfo provider. It does provide it in the DefaultInfo. Also in runfiles?


CompilationContext contains the headers and "local defines" used to compile whatever is in the linking_context.


linking_ctx type: `CcLinkingContext`

Fields: ["go_link_c_archive", "linker_inputs", "linkstamps"]

linker_inputs is a list of CcLinkingContext$LinkerInput, evidently LinkerInput.

CcLinkingContext$LinkerInput Fields: ["additional_inputs", "libraries", "linkstamps", "owner", "user_link_flags"]

We’re interested in the libraries field, a list of AutoValue_LibraryToLink_AutoLibraryToLink. Apparently this is a LibraryToLink.

Fields of library-to-link: ["alwayslink", "dynamic_library", "interface_library", "lto_bitcode_files", "must_keep_debug", "objects", "pic_lto_bitcode_files", "pic_objects", "pic_shared_non_lto_backends", "pic_static_library", "resolved_symlink_dynamic_library", "resolved_symlink_interface_library", "shared_non_lto_backends", "static_library"]

An example of what a library-to-link looks like. This was delivered by a cc_library target hat depends on the OCaml C SDK (@ocaml//c):

  lib[0][0].alwayslink == None
  lib[0][0].dynamic_library == None
  lib[0][0].interface_library == None
  lib[0][0].lto_bitcode_files == None
  lib[0][0].must_keep_debug: <built-in method must_keep_debug of LibraryToLink value>
  lib[0][0].objects: [<generated file interop/ffi/case110/cclibs/_objs/libalpha/alpha_adapter.o>, <generated file interop/ffi/case110/cclibs/_objs/libalpha/alpha.o>]
  lib[0][0].pic_lto_bitcode_files == None
  lib[0][0].pic_objects == None
  lib[0][0].pic_shared_non_lto_backends: <built-in method pic_shared_non_lto_backends of LibraryToLink value>
  lib[0][0].pic_static_library == None
  lib[0][0].resolved_symlink_dynamic_library == None
  lib[0][0].resolved_symlink_interface_library == None
  lib[0][0].shared_non_lto_backends: <built-in method shared_non_lto_backends of LibraryToLink value>
  lib[0][0].static_library: <generated file interop/ffi/case110/cclibs/liblibalpha.a>

This is the first lib in the first linkerinput.

This has both a static_library and a list of objects, which tells us that the library was produced by rule (rather than a precompiled imported library).

In this case, it is the first LinkerInput in linker_inputs; the second LinkerInput contains (in this case) 13 libraries; they are the libraries in the OCaml C SDK dependency of the rule.

In managing CC deps, we only want to retain direct dependencies. In this case, that is the first LinkerInput. The other LinkerInputs were only needed to produce the first. We do not need to retain them for OCaml linking.